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Goss / Shanov Genealogy -
Extended Family Trees
of Clint Goss and Vera Shanov
This page holds the composite genealogical research I did in February-April 2012 on our various family trees.
Information sources include:
- U.S. Census records, birth and Social Security death records, marriage licenses, and state census records. Much of this information was made accessible thanks to the Family Search facility.
- Handwritten information and newspaper clippings in the Goss Family Bible, dating back to 1736. See the Goss Family Bible Scans below.
- Typewritten information on the Oliver and Barnett family trees, inherited from Thomas Eugene Barnett.
- The oral record of the Shanov and Melanchenko family trees, transcribed into the Family Echo system by Vera Shanov.
The family trees are provided as a composite PDF. These charts were drawn in Corel Draw with a page size of 34″ × 44″, so they are quite large. You will need to use the zoom and pan controls on your Adobe PDF viewer to see the detail of the information:
Here is the first page of the chart as a JPG file. You can click on the image for a larger version.
In the future, I'll post all the pages as individual JPG images.
Index Page
Page WS
If you have additional information, please contact me at: clint@goss.com.
Source Documents
Goss Family Bible Scans
These images were scanned from the Goss Family Bible. They show all the genealogical information logged by various people. You can click on each of the images for a larger version.
Notes of Mary Goss Boyden in 1886
Notes of H. Clinton Goss, Sr.
Shanov / Melanchenko Family Trees
This information was entered into Family Echo by Vera Shanov in July 2011.
You can contact us at our primary email addresses: clint@goss.com and vera@shanov.com
Disclaimer and Copyright
Last updated: 2-Apr-2012
This URL: http://www.goss.com/goss_genealogy.htm